Monday, April 19, 2010


I HAD A AMAZIMG WEEKEND!!! on friday i went to the movies with jenna and my mom we saw The Last Song i didnt really cry as bad as jenna and my mom but it was sad but it was also awesome!!! and that night we had pizza awww i loveeee pizza haha.. jenna also slept overr (yay) and on saturday i woke up at freakin 6:10AM yuckyy!!!!! the only reason i did that was cuz me and jenna went babysitting for these kids Jordan(3) and Eian(7 or 8) til 3:00pm yaa 81/2 hours i noooo!!

after that i slept over jennas house and drank pina coolatas lol jennas love her pinas!!! and on sunday we went bowling and and went to goldenrod then youth group!! it was Deanna's last day:( we will miss u Deanna!!!

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